In formulating this vegan version of the Absorb Plus elemental diet shake, my primary concern was to find a vegan protein source that was likely to be highly tolerated, plus in a highly bio-available form. Lastly, the protein needed to actually be a protein isolate, not a generalized protein or concentrate that would likely contain a lot of carbohydrate matter as well. The certified organic, sprouted (fermented to increase digestibility) brown rice protein isolate in this product fit the bill and also passed my taste requirements!
Every other ingredient, from the amino acids to the vitamins to the natural flavors are certified vegan. One thing you should know, is that when I assess ingredients for Absorb Plus (and the other supplements I formulate), I don't just look at the finished material from the supplier, I also look at the entire material extraction flow chart to see which method of extraction was used, which filtration agents, which substances were used to ferment, etc.
Personally, my favorite flavor is the Mocha Latte and I'm so pleased to finally have this Vegan version available for all those who don't tolerate whey isolate OR who see the value in rotating protein sources.
Remember that when you consume a high volume of one type of protein continuously, the body might develop an intolerance to it, over time. For that reason, even if you prefer one or the other, I encourage you to alternate between the vegan and regular (whey isolate) Absorb Plus, if you can.
Absorb Plus is an elemental shake product that I formulated, for use as an elemental diet, or a half-elemental diet, or just to supplement your diet with highly nutritious, easily absorbed nutrients - for those who cannot digest or absorb the nutrients from whole foods.
What Is An Elemental Diet?
An elemental diet is also referred to as a bowel rest diet. It is a pre-digested, liquid diet that contains all the basic nutrients your body needs. The nutrients are in pre-digested form so they require very little digestion and the nutrients are easily and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. In this way an elemental diet supplies your nutritional needs whilst giving your digestive system a rest. It can be helpful for people with colitis, Crohn's, diverticulitis, severe IBS, AIDS, the elderly, and some forms of cancer - especially when combined with targeted healing substances and bone broths - as I show you in my IBD Remission Diet book.
The stool that results from an elemental diet is greatly reduced in volume and usually liquid, therefore, it also gives your colon a rest from passing normal stool and this helps colonic wounds to heal faster.
I used an elemental diet to recover from a bout of hemorrhaging that left me weighing 99 lbs (I'm 5'7"). In six weeks I weighed 135 pounds and was working out at the gym 3 times a week (my complete story and instructions on the type of elemental diet I used are in my book The IBD Remission Diet.)
What Is A Half-Elemental Diet?
A half-elemental diet is used when someone's IBD is still active and they are having difficulty tolerating foods and eating or absorbing adequate nutrition. But for whatever reason, they cannot (or do not want to) do a full elemental diet. So, instead, they consume half their daily calories as elemental diet shakes and the other half is comprised of easily tolerated foods.
In a 2006 clinical trial, doctors assessed 26 patients with Crohn’s Disease, who used a combination of an elemental diet for half of their food intake (900 – 1200 calories per day) and then whatever they wished for the other half (”free diet”). The control group consisted of 25 patients with Crohn’s Disease who just consumed an unrestricted diet, whatever they wanted to eat (100% free diet).
Then, they measured the recurrence of relapse (symptom flare-up) over a two year period. The relapse rate in the half elemental diet group was significantly lower – only 34.6% – versus a relapse rate of 64% in the free diet group. (Source: Effectiveness of an 'half elemental diet' as maintenance therapy for Crohn's disease: a randomized-controlled trial. S. Takagi, K. Utsunomiya et. al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 24, 1333-1340)
When mixing your shakes (if not elemental) I do not recommend you use soy milk (depresses thyroid function, inhibits mineral absorption) or pasteurized milk (mucous-producing and irritating to the gut). Use other nut milks, raw milk, goat, camel, etc. However, if you want to keep your shakes elemental, then mix only with water.
Important: All elemental diet shakes are VERY sticky on the teeth. So be sure to brush after each shake - pay particular attention to the gum line - to avoid tooth decay.
Transitioning Off Elemental Shakes
Please know that when your digestive system has healed to the point where you can absorb nutrition and you are no longer underweight, then it is likely time to transition off Absorb Plus and onto a whey or veggie protein shake, or easily tolerated foods.
Not only is this cheaper, but it's better for ongoing gut health to avoid simple carbohydrates (like tapioca maltodextrin) when you are able to use superfoods like chia seed and flax seed instead. I have sourced excellent ones for you here, so be sure to check them out when you are ready. Here are my instructions for transitioning off of an elemental diet.